
Careers Information Advice and Guidance

 The Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance programme at Cowley Academy enables our students to make a successful transition into further or higher education, apprenticeships and accredited training in employment. We offer objective and impartial advice from a range of talks, visits, activities and individual interviews.

We have a dedicated Careers Library located in the Common room near the main hall for careers information and guidance and all students are welcome to call in and see our Careers Lead, Mrs Barber at any time for an informal chat or make an appointment. Students are also invited to request an appointment with our independent Careers Adviser. 

Appointments can be made by contacting Mrs Barber:  or Ms Taylor

Frequently discussed topics include:

• Option choices in Year 9 or plans for after Year 11

• How to choose the right course and university or Intermediate and Higher Apprenticeships

• Taster days, Workshops and Open Days

• Ideas to enhance your Personal Statement or Curriculum Vitae

Sources of Advice


National Careers Service  


 Parent zone  

Careers Event Schedule

The Careers department has the full support of the Executive Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team so as to create the best careers provision possible for our students as outlined in the calendar of events. The Executive Deputy Headteacher, with responsibility for Careers meets every week with the department to further develop activities and our careers strategy.

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