Covid-19 Recovery

The pandemic has had a huge impact on every aspect of school life. We are committed to minimising the effect and ensuring that we enable students.

The pandemic has had a huge impact on every aspect of school life. We are committed to minimising the effect and ensuring that we enable students to catch up where necessary to catch up where necessary

Curriculum Recovery

Remote Learning

We recognise that whilst school is on many levels ‘back to normal’ there is still ongoing disruption to face-to-face education caused by the pandemic and students are still having to self-isolate. Therefore, all lessons are being made available remotely through Show My Homework. There is a thorough process of quality assurance in place to monitor the frequency and quality of this work.

Remote Learning Policy

National Tutoring Programme – Years 10 & 11

We will be running small group tutorials for identified students in the Ebacc subjects. These will be aimed at 3 tiers of ability level as shown in the diagram below

Each tuition programme will last 15 weeks, starting in December for Year 11 and January for Year 10.

Each week will contain 3 distinct elements.

We will be identifying students who would benefit from extra tuition and making contact with parents during the second half of the Autumn Term.

National Tutoring Programme – Years 7, 8 and 9

The focus in Years 7-9 will be on improving literacy levels through targeted reading intervention support programme. Each identified student will receive 15 weeks of small group tuition and support. This will involve a large number of staff, teachers and teaching assistants in delivering weekly sessions either after school or during lunchtime to small groups of students. As with the Ebacc recovery in KS4 the main focus will be on Pupil Premium students but it will also be extended to cover other students in need.

We will be identifying students who would benefit from extra tuition and making contact with parents during the second half of the Autumn Term.


The need to expand the amount of PSHE in the curriculum is of paramount importance following the school closure and the subsequent return to school. The lack of face-to-face teaching and support will have been most keenly felt in this area, where students need the group discussion and teacher input on key safeguarding, welfare, pastoral and behaviour matters. To address this PSHE is being integrated into the KS4 curriculum timetable. Students will receive 1 period of PSHE per fortnight in addition to the planned delivery through the half hour afternoon registration periods. This will be done on a rotation basis.

Removing Barriers to Learning

Pupil Premium students in need are being provided with a laptop to support their home learning. If your child would benefit from this please contact the school

Subject Level Support

All subject areas work through their curriculum implementation to increase opportunities for students to test knowledge. Departments are using strategies to identify and address areas of weakness. This include measures such as regular low stakes assessments, starters, adjusted homework tasks with extra opportunities for recall.

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