Raising awareness of support during Mental Health Week
Raising awareness of support during Mental Health Week
This week, nationally it has been Children’s Mental Health Week and the theme for this year has been ‘My Voice Matters’. The event is run and organised by the children’s mental health charity Place2Be, and the theme this year is about encouraging young people to feel confident that they can express themselves.
In the lead-up to the week, our SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural) lessons and assemblies have focussed on the support that is provided both at school and externally plus the different support systems that are available.
Students and families recognise the pastoral support in our school is a key strength and that the mental health of our students is very important to us. Each Year group has their own Year Lead and students are supported by our Safeguarding Team, Heads of House and Form Tutors so they always have someone who they can speak to if needed.
If students need to access support during out of school hours, they can email worried@cowleyacademy.org.uk or visit the ‘Feeling worried or anxious’ tab on the website homepage (www.cowleyacademy.org.uk/feeling-worried-or-anxious) where there are also links to external organisations and apps.