Read our prospectus to discover more about the SLAT Sixth Form
Read our prospectus to discover more about the SLAT Sixth Form
At the Sixth Form Open Evening at Bourne Academy a few weeks ago, all visitors received a copy of the Sixth Form prospectus so they can discover more about the Post-16 opportunities available.
This contained useful information for students and parents/carers to help them choose from a wide range of subjects with the benefit of different study pathways.
The first deadline to apply for the Sixth Form is Friday 15th December 2023 and applications are made online via this link:Â Students who apply by this date will be able to choose their preferred subject options, although applications can still be made after the deadline.
There are many great reasons why students choose to study at our Sixth Form:
Choose from three study pathways (Academic, Vocational or a combination of both) 24 A-level and BTEC subjects to choose from
Students can study three or four subjects
Consistently outstanding exam results (Over the last four years, we have had a 99.8% pass rate in A-levels and BTECs)
Purpose-built modern Sixth Form Centre
PSHE and enrichment programme embedded into every timetable
Work experience opportunities for every student
Exceptional pastoral support
The prospectus can be be viewed or downloaded below:
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