Making it easier for students to make comments and suggestions

Making it easier for students to make comments and suggestions

To support students in their educational journey, we believe it is important to listen to the views of all students as we value the student voice at our school.

This term, we have launched a new initiative called ‘Students Say, We Listen’ where students can complete a quick form on our website to make comments and suggestions about the school. This is one of the many ways in which we enable students to play an active part in contributing to the school.

The link to the ‘Students Say, We Listen’ form is on the homepage of the school website and all students have been shown where the link is located during their assembly last week.

The ‘Students Say, We Listen’ form is for student use only.

If students need to report a pastoral issue or complaint, then they should not use ‘Students Say, We Listen’ form, but contact their Year Lead or member of the Pastoral Team, or visit

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