SLAT Chief Executive Officer's Welcome

Cowley Academy – Aspiring to be Outstanding

Cowley Academy is a popular, non-selective secondary school for students aged 11-16 situated in Donington, a small rural village.  Students travel to the school from a very wide area.

We aim to provide the very best possible educational experience for every single one of our students.

We all work hard to provide this through:

  • a wide range of opportunities for students to learn in a safe, supportive, creative, happy environment
  • having the very highest expectations of the entire school community in everything that we do
  • working together with others inside and outside the school to meet our aims.

In addition to academic success, we also place extremely high value on the development of character; responsibility, ambition, honesty, confidence, compassion and courage. This is done via a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities including sports, performing arts as well as many others. We are committed to the benefits which can be gained from outdoor education.

The success of our Trust is based upon:

  • High expectations, with a firm, fair and consistently applied code of conduct which is understood by students, teachers and parents/carers;
  • Positive, high profile rewards based on outcomes that all students can achieve, including exemplary effort and behaviour and an outstanding rate of attendance;
  • Strong, mutually supportive relationships between our staff, students and their parents/carers;
  • Developing students confidence and self-esteem;
  • A multi pathway curriculum designed so that each student can achieve their full potential in the core subjects together with a wide range of academic and vocational options;
  • Providing appropriate support for students of all abilities;
  • Working in partnership with our other Trust schools to further improve the school delivering the best outcomes for students;
  • A superb data tracking and reporting system providing regular feedback to parents/carers on their child’s progress against aspirational targets and on their attitude to learning;
  • High quality, regular feedback to students, both written and oral, with readily accessible information on the next steps in their learning;
  • High quality PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) and SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) programmes which equip our students for life in Britain in the 21st century;
  • Investing wisely in the continuous upgrading of buildings, classrooms and facilities to provide our students with an attractive environment that helps to optimise their learning.

Mrs Lucy Conley
SLAT Chief Executive Officer

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