Year 9 students get to choose the subjects they want to study

Year 9 students get to choose the subjects they want to study

The choices that Year 9 students make over the next few weeks can play an important part in shaping their future careers paths as they get to choose the Key Stage 4 options for the GCSE/BTEC subjects they study from September 2023.

We will be helping students and parents as much as possible through the process and have put together various information and videos for all of the subjects as well as guiding them through the options process.

In order to make this as simple as possible, there will be core subjects that every students studies, which include English, Maths and Science – then there will be one group of subjects to choose four options from.

Our careers team will be available to support students and have prepared useful tips plus given students and parents the opportunity to ask individual questions.

To help students focus on researching the subjects on offer, Year 9 will not have any set subject homework w/c Monday 24th April 2023. Instead we are asking them to study the subject information that can be found via the links below and watching the subject videos.

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