Careers Fair inspires students to prepare for their future

Careers Fair inspires students to prepare for their future

Cowley Academy welcomed over 30 exhibitors to it’s first ever Careers Fair this week. This is really important event in our school calendar, which we made available to students in all years and their parents/carers.

This event was held during the school day for Years 9 to 11 and also during lunchtime and after school for all Years, so students could visit the exhibitors during the day and then bring their parents/carers along after school to further their preparation for the future.

To accommodate as many exhibitors as possible in the same location, we had a giant marque in the school yard, which allowed students to speak to as many people in their allocated times.

The variety of employers and businesses exhibiting included:

  • Business and Professional
  • Care, Medical and Education
  • Further and Higher Education
  • Manufacturing, Construction and Engineering
  • Uniformed Services

All of the exhibitors were very impressed with how interested and professional our students were to find out more about what they could achieve in their future. The exhibitors were also impressed with the amount of questions students had.

Our school aims to support every student to help them explore their options available at both post-16 and post-18 from the outstanding careers team based in our school. This Careers Fair is just part of an annual schedule of activities and events for years 7 to 11, which far exceeds the framework that schools have to follow.

For more information about the careers, advice, and guidance provided to students visit the Careers section on the website.

Below is the programme from the event, which contains further information about each of the exhibitors.

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