Examination and Assessment Information Advice and Guidance
The day to day Examinations Department is supported by a team of dedicated Invigilators.
Most GCSE take place at the end of Year 11, from May to the end of June. Some courses are examined during Year 10 and 11. We also run Pre Public Exam seasons (Mocks) in Key Stage 4 .
Controlled assessments take place throughout Key Stage 4. These are tasks that are completed in class under controlled conditions which are then assessed and the marks count towards the final exam grade. If you have a query about controlled assessments or the content of examination papers, please contact the relevant Head of Department.
Prior to your exams you will be issued with a Statement of Entry, this will show your candidate number which you will need to write on every examination paper. Please keep this safe and check that all the details are correct. Your legal name must be used for examinations.
If you have any questions or concerns, please see your Head of Year or ask to speak with the Examinations Officer who will be happy to advise you.
Wishing you every success in your exams!
Collection of examination certificates
The school receives examination certificates from the examining boards in the autumn term. A notice will be put on the school website when they are available for collection. Please keep your certificates safe, the examining boards will charge students for replacements.
Dr K Chrysostomou
SLAT Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Mr J Hind
SLAT Deputy Chief Executive Officer GCSEs / A ‘Levels
Miss E Dyer
SLAT Deputy Chief Executive Officer BTECs
Beverley White
Assistant SENco
Examinations Calender
Term 1 |
Controlled Assessments (ongoing throughout the year) |
October Half Term |
Term 2 |
December: Year 11 Pre Public Exams (Mocks) |
Christmas |
Term 3 |
January Exam Season Year 11 Pre Public Exam (Mock) Results Session |
February Half Term |
Term 4 |
Year 11 Pre Public Exam Series 2 Summer Exam Timetables confirmed Practical GCSE exams |
Easter Holiday Revision Sessions |
Term 5 |
Statements of Entry distributed to students GCSE Exams |
May Holiday Revision Sessions |
Term 6 |
GCSE Exams Contingency days update – These are now timetabled for the afternoons of Wednesday 11th June 2025 as well as the day of Wednesday 25th June 2025. These contingency days are designed to be used in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations. Year 10 Pre Public Exams (Mocks) & Results Session |
August = Exam Results Days
More details to follow Click here for a guide to ‘Understanding Results For Students Parents Carers’ |
It is very important that all students and parents/guardians are well informed and prepared for examinations. This guidance is to inform you about the procedures and general rules and regulations as set out by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) for examinations.
Who is responsible for the examinations?
The school’s Examinations Officer is responsible for the administration of all public examination arrangements and for the oversight of students during examinations, under direct responsibility from the Head of Centre.
There is a team of adult Invigilators who will be present during the examinations at all times. All invigilators are appropriately trained in their duties.
The awarding bodies set out strict criteria, which must be followed for the conduct of examinations. These rules apply to all persons entering the examination room. The school has a legal responsibility to adhere to these rules and inform the awarding bodies of any irregularities during examinations.
Who is entered for public examinations?
It is the school’s policy to enter every student for the most appropriate level of examination in the subjects they are taught. The Senior Leadership Team have the right to withdraw a student from examinations if they feel it is appropriate to do so. This will only be done after exhaustive consultation with the student, their parents/guardians and Heads of Department.
Who completes examination entries?
The Examinations Officer, Heads of Department and Head of Centre have the responsibility of ensuring students are entered for the correct examination. The entries are made by the Examinations Officer via a secure website.
The student will receive a Statement of Entry which must be checked carefully.
You need to check:
- Your names are spelt correctly – your legal name must be used for examinations
- Your date of birth
- That you are entered for the correct exams and levels or tier of entry – check with your teachers if you are not sure about this.
- Your Candidate Number is also shown; this will need to be entered on all examination papers – you will have it on your Candidate Card on your examinations desk
If there are any queries, these should initially be raised with the subject teacher.
If amendments need to be made please see your Head of Year or the Examinations Officer as soon as possible. Remember this information will be on your final examination certificates so it must be correct.
Who invigilates the examinations?
The school employs a team of Invigilators. They are trained in examination procedures and are subject to strict regulations and checks (DBS). The Invigilators are present to ensure that all students abide by the examining board regulations and that none are disadvantaged during the examinations, due to internal or external disturbances etc. All students need to follow the instructions given by the invigilators.
Where will the examinations take place?
The main location for all examinations are the School Hall and Gym. If a student has access arrangements, they will generally sit their examinations in the Music Block.
The students will be issued with an Examination Timetable shortly before the examination period begins, this will show which room they will be sitting in and their seat number – occasionally this may change right up until the day of the examination.
During the examination period there will be Seating Plans displayed which will confirm each student’s room and seat number.
Students will line up on the yard before their examination to be escorted to the appropriate room. Once they enter the examination room they will immediately be under examination conditions, e.g. silence.
What time do the examination sessions begin?
The timings for starting all examinations are set by the Examination Boards.
Morning examinations will begin at 9.00am so make sure that you arrive to school on time – you will be notified if you need to attend a subject briefing before the examination starts.
Afternoon examinations will begin at 1.00pm, unless you are told otherwise, so it is important that you eat before your examination.
Afternoon Examinations that last for two and a half hours or more – Please be aware that these could finish as late as 4.00pm. You will need to prepare in advance for this by making arrangements to get home if you normally go home on the school bus.
What happens if a student is timetabled to sit more than one examination at the same time?
If a student is timetabled to sit more than one examination at the same time it is known as a ‘clash’. Occasionally this is intentional on the part of the examination board where two papers for the same subject are run consecutively.
The Examination Officer should have rearranged any clashes in advance of issuing examination timetables. Should the clash be unavoidable the student will sit one examination then be kept in isolation until they sit the next examination.
What materials/equipment do students need?
It is the student’s responsibility to arrive at the examination on time and with the appropriate equipment in a clear pencil case.
Suggested equipment:
- Black pen – blue ink cannot be used
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Protractor
- Compass
- Eraser
- Calculator – where applicable
You may bring a drink to the examination, it will need to be water in a clear bottle with any labels removed.
Prohibited items
The following items are prohibited in the examination rooms. Possession of these items is treated as a serious breach of regulations by the examining bodies:
- Mobile phones
- Storage devices
- General electronic devices
- Correction fluid
- Correction pens
- Watches
- Coats and bags
Dress code
Normal school uniform is expected to be worn during examinations. Students may remove their blazers during the examination and place them on the back of their chairs. Items of jewellery such as bracelets should not be worn as they may cause a disturbance and disrupt other students.
Access arrangements
Access arrangements are agreed before any examination and allow students with specific needs such as special educational needs, disabilities or temporary injuries to access an examination without changing the integrity of the examination. There is a stringent procedure in place for the assessment of students who may benefit from access arrangements.
Access arrangements can comprise of:
- Extra time
- Supervised rest breaks
- Prompter
- Word processor
- Coloured overlay/paper
- Reader/computer reader
- Scribe
- Modified papers
What happens if a student is late?
If parents/guardians are aware that their son/daughter will be late for an examination they should notify the school by telephone immediately and get a message to the Examinations Officer. Depending on how long the examination has been in progress and the circumstances of the lateness the student may be admitted to sit the examination.
What happens if a student is unwell at the time of one or more examination?
Where there is an ongoing medical issue that may affect a student’s ability to sit an examination, special consideration can be applied for in advance by the school from the examination boards. Medical evidence will be required to back this up.
If a student cannot attend an examination due to sudden illness on the day of, or day before. an examination a medical note will need to be provided and the Examinations Officer will need to be informed immediately; retrospective information is not accepted by the examination boards when applying for special consideration under these circumstances.
Can students take holidays during the examinations?
Dates and times for examinations are rigidly fixed by the awarding bodies, but can be changed by them right up to the time of the first examination. They cannot be changed by the school and students will not be permitted holidays during the examination period.
N.B. The examining boards have timetabled contingency days for the afternoons of the 6th and 13th June as well as the day of 26th June 2024. These contingency days are designed to be used in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations.
Parents/guardians need to be aware that if a student does not sit an examination for which they have been entered without extenuating circumstances they will be invoiced for the examination fee.
Malpractice is the term used by the examination boards for any irregularity or breach of the regulations. The examinations office is required to report any infringements to the appropriate body who will decide on what action to take. The examination boards and the school take the integrity of examinations very seriously.
Please read the rules and regulations issued to you at the beginning of the academic year as these must be adhered to at all times. Failure to do so could lead to disqualification from the subject.
JCQ Documents
Click on the icon to access the JCQ Guidance Documents.
- Information for Candidates Using Social Media and Examinations / Assessments
- Information for Candidates Coursework Assessments
- Information for Candidates Non-examination assessments
- Information for Candidates On-screen Tests
- Information for Candidates Written Examinations
- Information for Candidates Information About You and How We Use It
- Preparing to Sit Your Exam
- Warning to Candidates
- AI Use in Assessments
- Unauthorised Items Poster
- Ofqual Student Guide 2024
- Home Languages Student Survey
- AI and Assessments (A quick guide for students)