DEAR Time is where students ‘Drop Everything And Read’
DEAR Time is where students 'Drop Everything And Read'
One of the successful reading initiatives we run in all schools across the Trust is DEAR Time, which stands for ‘Drop Everything And Read’.
These popular timetabled sessions at Cowley Academy take place three times a year (in Term 1, Term 3 and Term 5) and are designed to promote and encourage reading for all abilities and play a key part in our communications agenda in the school, which includes a high focus on literacy skills.
During the session this week, all students in Year 7 and 8 took part then in Terms 3 and 5 the DEAR Time session will be also opened up to students in Years 9 to 10, as there is evidence that when students read for pleasure this will improve educational outcomes and personal wellbeing.
It doesn’t matter what subject students are timetabled to study at the time – whether it is Science, Maths, Art, Music or Food Technology – the whole class drops everything and reads.
The students read a text as a class that lasted 10 to 15 minutes and after reading the text, then discussed what they had read to highlight key vocabulary and share their thoughts on the issues raised in the material. Topics change throughout the academic year and may include historical perspectives, careers, current reports or fiction, but ultimately will be interesting and enriching.
It was really impressive to see how enthusiastic our students are (especially our new Year 7) about wanting to get involved and read the text and how the whole class engages.