SLAT are officially one of the top Multi Academy Trusts in England

SLAT are officially one of the top Multi Academy Trusts in England

The schools in our Trust are rightfully feeling proud after the latest Progress 8 scores for Multi Academy Trusts (MATs) from the Department for Education (DfE) have ranked South Lincolnshire Academies Trust as the 12th top performing Trust in the whole of England out of 213 Multi Academy Trusts with three or more schools (end of Key Stage 4 summer examinations 2023).

Our highly successful Trust are also the number 1 ranked Multi Academy Trust in the East Midlands area.

Progress 8 scores is a key performance indicator used by the DfE to calculate the progress students make from Key Stage 2 (before they start in Year 7) to Key Stage 4 (at the end of Year 11).

South Lincolnshire Academies Trust are one of only 14 MATs in England to be ranked as performing ‘well above average’ with a MAT Progress 8 score of +0.56, compared to the national average of -0.03. This puts us as 12th in the rank order in the top 6% of MATs in England and the only MAT in the East Midlands to be performing ‘well above average’.

Mrs Lucy Conley, Chief Executive Officer of South Lincolnshire Academies Trust said “We are delighted that the achievements of our staff and students are recognised in this way. At South Lincolnshire Academies Trust, we firmly believe that we have got the right balance to be a highly successful Multi Academy Trust. As a small Trust with four schools that are geographically close to each other, this allows the leadership team to work across all schools in our Trust, so all schools benefit and are fully supported. Whereas some other MATs have a combination of primary and secondary schools, our leadership team can purely focus on providing the very best education for ages 11 to 18 years in non-selective local schools.”

Multi Academy Trusts are not-for-profit organisations that are independent from local authority control and are empowered to make decisions on how to best operate. South Lincolnshire Academies Trust were founded in 2016 and in that time, we have been able to invest millions in capital building projects, provide families with an outstanding level of pastoral support with additional staff and create a dynamic curriculum with academic and vocational subjects so each student can achieve their full potential.

As well as our Trust performing incredibly well nationally, the Progress 8 scores for each individual school in the Trust in 2023 highlight we are outperforming other schools in Lincolnshire.

  • Spalding Academy is performing ‘well above average’ and is in the top 5% of all schools nationally based on a Progress 8 score of +0.67. They are the top ranked non-selective secondary school in the whole of Lincolnshire and outperform all local grammar schools.
  • Bourne Academy is performing ‘well above average’ and is in the top 5% of all schools nationally based on a Progress 8 score of +0.63. They are consistently in the top two non-selective secondary schools in in the whole of Lincolnshire and outperform local grammar schools.
  • Giles Academy is performing ‘above average’ based on a Progress 8 score of +0.08. Giles Academy is the top performing school in the Boston area (along with Cowley Academy) and outperform local grammar schools.
  • Cowley Academy is performing ‘above average’ based on a Progress 8 score of +0.08. Cowley Academy is the top performing school in the Boston area (along with Giles Academy) and outperform local grammar schools.

To compare all Multi Academy Trusts in England, league tables can be found on the Department for Education (DfE) website:

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